Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Know That God Works in Every Man of Good Will
Message Given by Our Lady Queen for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man

Mother speaks to the chosen ones
My dear ones, reflect today on the stern lesson of Jesus: He loves, He loves infinitely; He has assigned to each one his own task and each one has an important place in His Project.
Whoever offers his whole life to the service of God has a very great merit in His Eyes, but beware: he reads the depths of his heart, he cannot allow himself to be deceived with an appearance of surrender and a substance of betrayal. Because that is what it is all about when you do not fulfill your lofty task. Let no one say, "It's hard, I can't do it." He would deceive God and himself.
Know that God works in every man of good will. The great things that great men do are guided by the Lord in the Good, permitted in all other cases.
When you say, "How did a little human being succeed in accomplishing such a majestic work?", you do not take into account that all human events are presided over by the King of the Universe. Man puts his little, God does the Work!
There is no man on earth of any importance, of any value, without a mission of his own, however small. Yet there are those who do not bother to understand what they are asked to do.
He who has a heart turned towards God understands and performs his task, day after day, moment after moment. Well, the priest, for this is what Jesus spoke to you about today, has a great and important mission.
The shepherd is a guide, an example to follow, a lamp set on high that must light the way, but if the guide goes astray or the lamp is almost extinguished, what use can he be to his flock? It becomes a useless burden, even harmful if the example is negative.
Today it is necessary to be alert because the devil, like a roaring lion, undermines with his deviation those who can cause more harm, he acts with violence against the shepherds of souls because the one who slips and falls drags with him many of them...
It happens as when a flock finds itself in a place populated by many wolves that cunningly keep themselves hidden, but at the opportune moment they come out and bite the flock.
Today there are many dangers, the enemies of man are everywhere, but God watches over those who entrust themselves to Him, with love, He does not allow the flock to fall apart, God accomplishes everything, God acts through His instruments: wherever there is an instrument of God there is a Living Presence of His Love.
Let every minister consecrated to God examine himself; do not say: "I pray, I celebrate, I am well". We must humbly present ourselves before God and examine ourselves carefully, humbly admit our own deficiencies and remedy them.
Pray chosen ones, pray ardently for those who have such an arduous task, so that they may always be up to the task.
I love you little one, join Me in prayer!
Source: ➥